Sunday, October 30, 2005

Classmate's Blogger

Well this time I’m going to write about Jacqueline’blog and her article about "Life is Amazing,", right now all I could say is that I really respect the way she express her self, I admire the way she was able to wrote how she feel, what she thinks and what she expect from life.
She’s right when she said “that everything happen for a reason,” because you could know what you want, but you will never know what could happen in the way. She also mentions the strength you most have to overcome any difficulty that you have. And once again I agree with her, because I think you need to be brave. You have to rise above the fear in your own heart. Or you won’t be able to find loveor happiness.
I believe; you just have to enjoy being here. Because although you have problems, you have to think that’s great to be alive.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Geisha : The Traditional Japanese Ideal of Beauty

Geishas are one of the things i'm interesting, to those of us raised in jeans and T-shirts, the world of geisha (or geiko in Kyoto)- with their elaborated hairstyles, white-painted skin, and heavy silk kimonos- is almost incomprehensible.
"Geisha must train themselves in various traditional arts such as classical dancing, playing the Shamisen, and several styles of singing in the hanamachi (geisha community.)"
They embody the traditional Japanese ideal of beauty and provide amusement to paying customers.
I been reading about geishas since i was 16, their culture and the traditional skills they have to learned when they are trained.By the early eighteenth century, geisha had so established themselves that they gained a registry office."The total number of geisha in the 1920's was 80,000, but today the number of geisha has dropped to 10,000 due to the westernizing of Japanese culture." Geisha in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries supported a whole economy of servants and dressers.Although they earn their pay from performing for men, geisha live within a matriarchal environment. An okasan (mother) manages each okiya (geisha house), running the household and serving as a sort of agent to the geisha. Geisha today are respected for preserving Japanese traditions and culture rether than for being on the cutting edge of fashion. They still have to attend banquets and parties.Also they're still expected to know traditional dances, songs, know how to play musical instruments and master the etiquette of the highly complex tea ceremony.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Why All The Indifferent ???

For a long time Noriko and Tsubasa had been friends. They know each other since they were in kindergarten, but lately they been apart.That's why Tsubasa decided to write a letter to Noriko. She didn't know how to start, because she was afraid that if she don’t find the right words maybe things could get worse and all she want is to be friends again and forget about any altercate they had in the pass...but at the end she decided to be direct, so she begings by telling her what she thinks and what is in her mind.
Now I’ve been looking for a reason for us to have fallen out, a reason for you to be so evasive and act different. I didn’t scare you off, did I?I don’t think I said anything that might have offended or hurt you in any way. This is a very awkward and uncomfortable situation; I care a lot about you and yet when we meet we don’t even get together to talk anymore… it feels so strange!What happened, do you know? I’ve tried to find out why and to analyse what could have made us grow apart but I couldn’t find any plausible reason. In the beginning, everything was fine; But then you start acting funny and now you treat me with such indifference that it makes me feel uncomfortable.I’m writing this letter just to say that I miss those times when we were true friends. It’s true that I wish things goback to the way they used to be before and that we could restart that beautiful friendship we had.Why don’t you call me or just simply give me a hug next time we come across each other in college? I hope I’m still addressing the same sensitive person I used to talk not so long ago!
I miss you, I can't stand being like this with you. Put that sorrow behind, throw away that anger and accept my plea for reconciliation.
Please reconsider !!!

Erika's Blogger

Erika is one of my classmates and she is from Colombia, same as me. In one of her bloggers she talks about her country-well our country- she begging by given a little geography description, which included the name of the main cities and the official language.
In her second paragraph she mentions the type of weather. And she also gives some facts about people visiting Colombia. After that she said the most important economical and social characteristics of the country.
She gives brief but general information about the country and she mentions most of the main points that someone has to know when it comes to know Colombia.
When you start reading her article you could notice the excitement and feeling she had talking about her country. She really reflects her emotions in her writing.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Akito's Good Bye

Sana is a teenager star and Akito a bully, they fell in love and now Akito is saying good bye. His moving, so he have to broke up with Sana; but before he leave he had something to tell her.
That was the opportunity he had to thank her for everything and let her know how much she mean to him. Akito asked Sana to meet at the park near the cherry blossom, once they were there he start saying:
My dears, I love you, more than before but I have to leave. I wish I can tell you everything that's in my mind .And yet, no matter what words I use, I will never be able to express all the gratitude I feel in my heart. Many were the years of togetherness and I cannot remember a single moment I did not get support and affection from you.I was always made so welcome that I can only thank you for everything you did for me, and apologize for leaving so suddenly. I hope you understand the circumstances that prompted such an urgent departure. To be honest, I'm glad I can thank you personally for every thing you gave me, I'm glad i can hug you one last time… I will be far away now, thousands of miles wistand between us, but I want you to know I will carry you with me.You live and travel with me in the deepest and warmest corner of my heart.I'll miss you.
Sana i want you to be happy, your love, you most cherish it.I know you can never have the same love twice. Because when one love ends... even if you fall in love with someone can never have the same love again.Even love matures. It's like a flower.You have to cherish it while it blooms. Love we have to mature too. What I'm trying to said is that although we love each other we most go on with our life. And I sincerely hope that all your projects come true.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Blogger Summary

I was checking some of my classmates’ bloggers and one of them catch my attention; it was Katrina’s blogger, actually the one that talks about reincarnation. She was very brief but direct at the same time. She gives her opinion about the topic and she even was honest in telling people that she is a skeptic person. She gives one link called “” and one book Brian L. Weiss's master piece, "Many lives, many masters" in which she mentioned you could find more information if you want to learn more about this topic.
I like the fact that at the end she said that “Even though she have learned a lot, it is impossible for her to say that she is now a believer.” I find that interesting because although she talks about this exciting topic and give you all this helping information; she still had her doubts about the whole thing.
I think that’s a really good writing because although she’s not convinced the whole way that didn’t stop her to write it or give her point of view.


Astrology is the science that explores the action of celestial bodies (namely the planets) cities, people and events.Astrology deals with the angles between each of the planets and their effect upon humanity.
The signs are a way of dividing the heavens by a band of what is called the Zodiac. The word Zodiac is a Greek word for Zoo. The houses for the astrological chart is set up by the Natives or Event Time of Birth or happening at a particular place in the world.
Astrology has been used by virtually every advanced civilization for thousands of years, but it has almost always been very controversial as well. "Astrology has its roots in ancient times when less scientific methods were employed and superstition was rampant in many of these civilizations." Learning Astrology is like learning a new, foreign language. It is a language of symbols that represent the characteristics of human beings based upon their relationship to the Sun and the planets that revolve around the star we call the Sun. Once you learn it, it makes total sense! The only thing to understand is that everything in our world is energetic in nature…the planets and signs are energetic expressions of fire, earth, air and water.
Astrology can help to recognize and cultivate hidden talents. Astrology can help you understand how circumstances and perceptions have combined to form your behavior patterns. Astrology is not a parlor game. It is a useful and viable tool for helping you understand who you are, why you are, and how you fit into the world. Astrology can be used to improve the quality of your life.
Most of this information is from books that I read, I don’t have the name of all the books, I just have one that is the last one I read is called “El Libro De Las Sombras” by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler, the book is in Spanish.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Baby Murder

Abortion is the killing of a child before the birth. Abortion is murder. The embryo is a person from the moment of conception. Abortion is the taking of innocent human life, which is wrong under virtually any circumstances. An unborn baby is more than potential life.Human life begins with conception. A middle-aged person, a teenager, and an unborn baby are all in stages of human life. Killing the unborn baby is no more justifiable than killing the two other people. Abortion is a practice that should be prohibited by law because it basically amounts to murder.
People should know that abortion is an unspeakable topic. Just by looking at the images you will feel horrible
Abortion should not be allowed because it is immoral. Abortion is a horrible atrocity that should be illegal unless the mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy. I don't think there are any benefits to having an abortion. You don't get love, or to see what your child could grow up to be, you would have to live with your self forever, wondering whether you made the right choice, and you will miss out on seeing a baby grow up.Unborn babies need to be recognized as persons.I think that life is a right and a privilege given by God to everybody and everything that has ever existed.

Manga or Anime ?

Manga are Japanese comics, and Anime is the Japanese version of animation. Anime is usually, but not always, the animated version of popular manga.Japanese manga and anime come in all types, for all sorts of people. Unlike the U.S., which generally seems to believe that "comics are for kids" (though this has been changing recently), Japanese manga-ka (manga writers) write for everyone.A major difference is the unique Japanese manga and anime style, which is distinctive and fairly easy to recognize. This is not to say the style is limiting. Within this broad common stylistic ground, each manga artist's technique is distinct and unique.
You can go to and they will give you the a whole library and information about manga and anime. Really they explain you everything and they also recommend some animes and mangas titles.
Now like all good stories and all real stories, manga and anime have a tendency to end. Heroes and heroines die, or get married, or disappear. The anime series are especially good about this. They tend to have one of three endings: the hero wins (the throne, the person of the opposite sex, whatever), the hero dies (usually after winning), the hero sort of wins (but at a great loss). Of course, the anime or manga is often carefully crafted to either get tears out of your eyes, or make you stare in wide-eyed absorption to the very very last line of the credits.

Friday, October 07, 2005

GLBT a Choice or Act of God ?

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, not thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

There are several places in the Bible where it talks about homosexuality. The Bible has nothing positive to say about men and women sleeping with the same sex. In Leviticus 20:13, it states ''If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable act, they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltiness is upon them.”

Homosexuality has been around as long for as there is recorded history. Through the years, however, the opinions towards homosexuality have changed. Now, homosexuality is being labeled as a genetic trait rather than as a psychological problem. But not everyone believes this to be true.

Some people still asking if is it possible for one to choose his or her sexual orientation? Is one's sexual orientation something that can be changed, or is it a fixed attraction? These are a few questions, among many others that have been raised by researchers and religious organizations, as well as everyday people. Particularly, over the last decade there have been various debates over whether sexual orientation is based on genetic factors or whether it is a choice.

Most researchers find that homosexuality, like many others psychological conditions, is due to a combination of social, biological, or psychological factors; including a postnatal environment that have an impact on one's sexual orientation. This is just one specification that one's sexual orientation is determined at a young age, and is a lifestyle that is not chosen.
I found one article in that said“Sexual behavior does not necessarily equate to sexual orientation. Many adolescents—as well as many adults—may identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual without having had any sexual experience,” i think that therapists should not modify or change homosexuality but help the person decelop more feelings about their sexual directions.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I fund three articles about diversity from the same author, her name is Fancy, from Australia, She mentions a program that is been developing in Austria which is call: The “Diversity Works”, the program was created to help the community and show that diversity can be use as potent instrument.
The 2nd blogger is about thinking about Cultural Diversity. She said “that diversity is the variety of human cultures, social structures, belief systems, and strategies for adapting to situations in different parts of the world”, society should teach cultural diversity in school in order to maximize its benefits for all cultures.
The last one is Diversity at Church; some churches seem to be a place were segregation is reinforced. Church’s should not teach that; instead of that they should be a role model for other community.
In my personal opinion I think these three articles express a good writing, not just for the fact that had good grammar, spelling and punctuation. But because it had fluent expressions and the purpose is clear. She gives lot information with enough details about the program. By the type of writing that she wrote you could see that she has writing skills. Also the ideas are interesting and important. Her organization is logical and effective. The details that she gives help readers understand and appreciate the article. The writer show that she cares about the topic from her very strong opinion. There’s no doubt about how this writer feels about the whole Diversity program. Her clear purpose in the article is to make people understand that diversity is not, and should not be a negative thing in society.


Although you never have seen one, they exist. They are small luminous beings who appear frequently in the deep forests. Fairies are often depicted as diminutive winged humans with magical powers.

Those magical beings encourage the hope that the innocent imagination of childhood is still present in our hearts. The world of Fairies is a mixture of a mysterious enchantment, a charming beauty, but also of a huge ugliness, of insensitive shallowness, humor, malice, joy and inspiration, fear, laughter, love, and tragedy. Love, but also abandonment and death, may follow under their spell. Like human beings, they live in a universe of contradictions.
The belief in the existence of fairies is common to the most diverse cultures. It origin dates back to myths and legends of each culture. One of those legends assures that fairies are fallen angels or dead pagans not good enough to be admitted in the Eden, or not wicked enough to go to hell. That is why they were compelled to live eternally halfway.
They are grouped in generic families based on big differences among them, and the elements they inhabit or domain. They could be classified as follows:
Air Spirits
Water Spirits
Earth Spirits
Fire Spirits: Salamanders