Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Wish For Long-time Friendship

There's no nicer time than Christmas to remember special people, like friends and the dearest long-time friendships.
A long-time friendship means the most, It's lasted through the years, sharing both the good and bad, the laughter and the tears. A long-time friendship keeps on growing stronger every day, supporting and accepting you all year.
Our friendship is filled with treasured memories, loving warm, and true. Our friendship means so very much, It has right from the start. I remember all the shearing heart to heart be had. And though the world keeps changing, as the days and years go past, we keep right on proving that good friends were meant to last.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Leonardo’s Blog

I was looking some of Leonardo entries. One that catches my attention was the one he talks about his classes this semester. According to him this semester his classes are much extended that before. To the point that he say: “that his class on Thursday that begins at 8:00am through 1:50pm is almost 6 hours for this class, it is very stressful.”
What he doesn’t know is that he is not alone. I’m going through the same situation. My classes are long and the most part of the class you don’t have to copy just listen and if something come to debate give your point of view. So, sometimes that’s kind of boring. But just like him I will to try my best each semester and although class are long and stressful the best we could do is do are best and be patience that everything will be recompense in the future.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Flutter Your Sashes

Wearing kimonos is a complicated affair. But I'm going to tell you one of the easiest ways to tie a kimono sash (or obi), which is usually worn with a more casual or summer kimono(yukata).
I read this in and the"Shojo Beat Manga Fron The Heart Magazine." I wish I could tell you how to tie them in other worlds, but the thing is that this is the only way I know to tie them. ­U_U… I read it not too long ago, and I kind of memorized it. And now because is like a process there not too much I could add. Well although I could say be patience if the first time doesn’t come right. Keep trying will practice you will get better.
1. Wrap The Obi
Fold one end of the fabric in half lengthwise, to about 18 inches from the end. Place the folded end over your right shoulder, crossing it diagonally to your left waist. Wrap the unfolded fabric around your body twice( or once, if your obi is shorter), with the bottom edge at your waist and the top edge just below your bust line, pulling it snug.
2. Tie The Obi
Fold the remaining unfolded obi fabric upward diagonally (lengthwise) from your right side to your left side, and hold it in place with your left hand. With your right hand, fold down the folded end you placed on your shoulder and loop it around the other end once. Make sure to make the loop high, near the top edge of the obi ( near your bust line), and pull it tight.
3. Determine The Size Of Your Bow
With one hand on each end, twist the ends 180 degrees. Place one end over your left shoulder and take the other end in your right hand. Fold the section of fabric in your right hand in accordion-like folds until it is approximately the same width as your shoulders.
4. Make The Bow
Pinch this fold of fabric at the center, and then draw the end of the obi on your left shoulder forward and loop it around the pinched area twice. Tuck the excess fabric behind the obi, and pull it down so that the end peeks out from the bottom at the waistline.
5. Turn It Arroumd
Smooth and even out the sides of your bow so they match, then pull down on the end sticking out at your waist to tighten the center. Tuck the excess fabric back underneath the obi. Finally slide your beautiful creation around your body so that the bow is at your back.
They always say that you must look Untarnished so your kimono will look gorgeous on you.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Homosexual Couples Must Be Allowed To Marry

For as long as the commitment of marriage has been around, has also the belief that it represents the union of one man and one woman. Now gay men and lesbians are challenging that commitment. They belive that their relationships mean the same as heterosexual marriages. Homosexual would like to see their marriages legalized.
Gay marriages are highly emotionaltopics in the 20s. Many people feel That gay marriages would show heterosexual people how much two people can love each other even if they are of the same sex. Homosexual relationships are more than just sex with someone of the same gender. Homosexual relationships include feelings and being able to share those feelings with the person you love. “People have become used to the idea of defining gay people solely in terms of sexual acts,” says Gregory Herek, a research psychologist at the University of California, Davis. I think many heterosexual get very nervous when they have to think of gay people in terms of relationships, because its changing the way they have always thought about gay people. I find it interesting that the same people who condemn homosexuality as being a promiscuous lifestyle also say they’re against gay marriage because they wouldn’t want to recognize stable gay relationships. But I think that if two people love each other, they should be able to get married even if they are of the same sex.
I feel that marriages between gays or lesbians should be given the same status as heterosexual marriages. Although heterosexual people think that gay people should not be thinking they can broaden the institution of marriage to include themselves. I say they should be able to do it. Even if the institution of marriage is recognized be the church and homosexuality don’t. Some religious leaders are the most forceful advocates of same-sex marriage. I remember that one time when I was in a reunion I heard someone saying that in Hawaii alone, many faiths such as the reform and reconstructionist branches of Judaism, Quaker, Buddhist, Episcopal and many individual protestant congregations are involved in the pro-marriage campaign. But now I think that on the opposite side of the coin there are many faiths that condemn gay marriage. They feel that these people defy the Bible.
I feel that gay people have given a reason that carries enough weight for the government to legalize same-sex marriage. Gay people should fight for the right to marry. Gay couples should be afforded the same benefits as heterosexual couples.

Comment on Gleisy's blog

In this blog Gleisy talks about books and internet. She mention some points of why books to are good when it comes to do a project, but she also say that with the evolution of technology the internet become more helpful. Although that doesn’t mean that internet is more accurate; because she also say that “anybody can sticks information.” I’m agree with that because not always you can have the real source or facts that you can probe. And in some cases people provide their opinions. Yes, internet is fast and you can get lot information but still you have to be carefully and make sure the information you got is precise.