Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Project is Done

We finish our project; everybody contribute and in my personal opinion we did a great job. The project looks fresh, direct, with some pictures and most important with a good background. Really my group mates worked very hard to make this project a successful one. All of us did our best to make it work, since the beginning we worked as a team.
In my part “Types of Essays,” what I did was explain the different ways of essays and how you could create them.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A time I deserve

Today is one of those cloudy days and I wish I were at home under my sheets. I have been working twelve hours this past three days, without having a single second to spend with myself or to look at my image in the mirror. And on top of that last night, after another twelve long hours going crazy, some friend of mine called me and kept me on the phone for a whole hour and a half talking about things I didn't even listen. I don't want to seem a complainer, but I could use a bit of time to rest.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Web Project

Well today we decided how the main page will look. We agreed that in that page we will have a brief introduction and the menu with the topics that each one of us is going to talk. We did the licks for each topic and put the same font for the hold page.
At the end we arranged that each one of us will finish at home. Personally I’m a little behind schedule but I trying to keep up with the work. U_U

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I felt a definite sense of anxiety over some time. No good reasons, nothing substantional that should cause me to be worried.
I felt anxious when the university started, and I was wondering what it would be. How it was going to work, the teachers, their reactions, my classmates, the change from high school to university. It's a big difference I know I'm always going to have a ceratin amount of stress in my life. And I also know that people who have anxiety are people who most of the time have stress or worries. Anxiety could leave you with the result of not let you fall asleep because of the thoughts that you have in your mind. Another thing that anxiety makes you have is shaky hands and a bad headache.
You should try to calm down and be relaxed even if it's just for one instant. You have to learn how to deal that. If you are anxious, try to think of other things and be strong.


I disappoint some people when I discuss intuition;because I firmly believe that intuitive or symbolic sight is not a gift or a generic ability but a skill- a skill based in self- esteem. Clear intuition requires the ability to respect our own impressions.And there is no such thing as intuitive or non-intuitive people across the board. Rather, people intuition tends to be more accurate the more they accumulated expertise in a particular field. I believe that it is possible to improve one’s intuition by working in the same field for years, accumulating so much experience that our brain eventually tends to transfer part of the processing to the subconscious and we suddenly seem to “know” the answer, almost before we can formulate the question.All we have to do is improve our self and develop our skills.
Remember all of us have intuitive feelings all the time.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Web Design

What we had been taught thru time is that when we write an essay we must use good techniques, grammar, punctuation, organization, etc. We rarely hear something about what type of essays we should use when we write and what format we must follow.

Well there are many different types of essays, but actually they could be grouped into four categories:
  • Narration: The Personal Experience Essay
  • Description: Descriptive Essay
  • Exposition: The Process Essay
  • Persuasion:The Pro-Con Essay


Have you ever asked a grandparent to tell you a story about a long time ago? All of us have at some point did, because we like to hear what happened before.When they responded what he or she was doing was narrating a story,telling about events and actions that occurred in the pass.

Most of the time we use narration when we want to tell an experience that happened during a particular time.Also when we want to write it in chronological order and give descriptive details.


Description is more used in poems,specially when you want to appeal to the senses and give a verval picture.

Just A Thought !!!

In the galaxy there are lots of other planets.But this solar system is special.There is no other system quite like it. There are many stars that stop growing and die off.All stars grow from a Star Seed. It is not only stars, everything with life grows from a star seed.This planet and the people who live here all have star seed.Remember the body is more than bones and meet, is full of spirited.
Yes,people aren't borm social, sure it comes easier to some people...But most people, need to work at it. Some more than others.We're all born with selfish desires,so we can all relate to those feelings in other's.But kindness is something made individually by each person...so it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Design Guidelines for the World Wide Web

My group “Creators” decided we goanna do Types of Writing; we choose four types of writing and the one that I have to do is Essays.
So, so far I decided to make a brainstorm to picture how it will look and see what else I could add or change.

Knowing the Essay Form

  • The Introduction
  • The Body
  • The Conclusion

Kinds of Essays

  • Process Essays
  • The Comparison-Contrast Essay
  • The Cause and Effect Essay
  • The Pro-Con Essay

Friday, November 04, 2005

Red Lotus Blossom

The other day I was reading my magazine "Shojo Beat Manga from the Heart," and in one of the stories one of the characters had a tattoo in her arm; it was a flower she called “Ren flower,” because that was her ex boyfriend’s name. I never heard that name, so I took my time and start searching for the real meaning of that flower.
My research led me to know that wasn’t a “Ren flower,” like she called. It’s was really a red lotus blossom. In Japanese, the word for lotus is hasu; it’s writing as a character that also reads as ren, so I guess that’s why she called it like that the flower, so she will remember him.
Anyway according to Buddhist symbolism, the lotus represents purity and divine birth.
http://buddhism.about.com/cs/art/g/Lotus.htm .
But you know what I think that a red lotus, however, has a more specific meaning. It is the flower of the heart- of love and passion. It is the flower for true love for the love of your life.